Sunday 18 January, 2009

All the Whys!

This post will be kept on being edited. Why? Because this will keep recording the answers for "WHY?" all the whys that come up in this journey towards sustainability, the first step of which was futuregreen.

Q: Why an NGO? Why not a start-up? A start-up always would sound more glamorous. All the IIM Alumni tags would sound impressive.
A[partha]: There are so many reasons for
futuregreen to be. The big ideas like propagating sustainability, equity etc. are very much there. But truly speaking I didn't start futuregreen with those big ideas in mind. My idea was I want to own a company, something I like to do and something I do on my own terms. I needed something which I could start out of my pocket money. I didn't have lakhs to spend on incorporation and things like that. Resource parsimony, that was the key word. I liked the concept of bhavishya, it was something I liked to do, it was something I could do on my own terms.
[lightbulb] NGO! it doesn't take a lot of money. The only money that I have spent on it is the money for phone calls and printing a bunch of documents. [I'm smiling]
As I said, I wanted to own my company, this could be like a simulation, a veritable "trial-ball", the ball which doesn't affect the course of the match.
Everything seems to fit!

I'm a student and hence I'm constantly broke.
futuregreen didn't push me to bankruptcy.
I like the work. I think the work would be interesting.
It allows me to learn. I hope.

But the most importatnt thing is that I get to do all of these with the people whom I'm comfortable with. Each of the partners is an asset. All are equals. And I work well with all of them.

Fingers crossed.